"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."
Alan Lakein

"The question isn't at what age I want to retire; it's at what income."
George Foreman

Latest News

Tree Planting

Tree Planting

Board Chair, Trustees and Scheme Secretariat staff during a tree planting exercise at one of the scheme properties in Mavoko, Athi River
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Annual General Meeting 2023

Annual General Meeting 2023

Board Chair addressing members during the annual general meeting - 2023 held at Mwalimu Cooperative Towers, Upper Hill
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Pre Retirement Training

Pre Retirement Training

Minet Kenya Financial Services giving a presentation during the pre-retirement training of 2023 retirees at KEMI, Nairobi.
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What we do

Preservation of Capital

To ensure that the value does not decrease


To maintain easily disposable assets to enable the fund meet all its cashflow obligations as and when required

Return on Investment

To ensure a return on investment of 15% per annum

Diversification of assets

To broaden the scheme portfolio as provided by RBA guidelines inorder to minimize risks

Long term growth of capital

To ensure continuous contribution to the scheme and a positive return on investment

Customer satisfaction

To provide regular information to active members and make due payments and other benefits to existing members and dependants on a timely basis

Investment Portfolio

Service Providers