Board of Trustees

The TSC Staff Retirement Benefit Scheme has been in operation for the last 32 years under the management of various Trustees. The Staff Superannuation Scheme was established on 1st January, 1993 while the staff Retirement Benefits Scheme came into existence from 1st July, 2012.

The Schemes operations since 1993 have been guided by the Retirement Benefits Acts 1997 and Regulations, Schemes Trust Deed and Rules and various regulations through circulars issued by the Cabinet Secretary, National Treasury.


Mbage Ng'ang'a

Chairman, BOT
Frankline Choge

Frankline Choge

Trustee - Sponsor Nominated
Samuel Kithinji

Samuel Kithinji

Trustee - Member Elected
George Gichonjo

George Gichonjo

Trustee - Sponsor Nominated
Joshua Kamana

Joshua Kamana

Trustee - Member Elected
George Odawo

George Odawo

Trustee - Member Elected
Erica Kipsoisoi

Erica Kipsoisoi

Trustee - Member Elected
Jennifer Ndege

Jennifer Ndege

Trustee - Sponsor Nominated
Salome Mwiti

Salome Mwiti

Trust Secretary


  1. Administering the scheme in accordance with the provisions of the Act, Regulations and scheme rules
  2. Keeping all proper books and records of account with respect to income, expenditure, liabilities and assets of the scheme fund;
  3. Computing and preparing statements of payments of benefits to members;
  4. Liaising with the Authority, sponsors, members, manager, custodian and any other professional engaged by the scheme;
  5. Collecting, keeping and updating retirement benefits data of each member including maintenance of individual membership records;
  6. Ensuring that the agreed contributions have been remitted to the custodian as required by the Act, regulations and the scheme rules;
  7. Communicating regularly with the members of the scheme with respect to the affairs of the scheme;
  8. Providing members with annual membership benefits statements;
  9. Convening an annual meeting of members to enable them to raise any matters pertaining to their schemes; and
  10. Ensuring that documents intended to bind the scheme are professionally prepared.
Active Members
Borad of Trustees
Service Providers