Trust Fund

The Board of Trustees established a Trust Fund to manage and oversee benefits for orphans who are below the age of eighteen (18).
In the unfortunate event of death while in service, benefits due to a member are paid in favor of the nominated Next-of-Kin(s) as provided for in the Schemes’ Trust Deed & Rules (Link the pdf downloads)

To this end, members are obligated to nominate their dependents/Next-of-kin(s) through filling a nomination form and equally allocate their desired percentage of share to the respective dependents.

This promotes accuracy in dispensing the Death-in-Service benefits to the rightful dependents and also mitigates potential conflict while processing the benefits.

Where a nominee is a minor, their share/portion is transferred to a Trust Fund for investment awaiting access upon attaining age of an adult.

A Deed of Settlement is also in place to guide and regulate utilization of the funds for minors, towards education, medical and subsistence expenses.

Currently, the value of the Trust Fund stands at Ksh.353,000,000 and is supporting over 400 dependents/orphans as provided in the Deed of Settlement.